Tuesday, August 08, 2006

On Holiday

Well, tomorrow morning we are off to northern Italy--specifically Trieste--and then eventually Slovenia, more of Friuli, and then Trentino for ten days of well-earned ferie. I am excited, yet swamped with last minute packing and cleaning, as Antonello and I try to consume the contents of the fridge just in case there is a power shortage while we are out and everything rots (yes, this was the explanation Antonello gave--no good trying to convince him to throw things out. Instead, I am making a mega-pasta salad to take with us on the road tomorrow, filled with many 'interesting' ingredients). Antonello is calmly watching television while I run around like a mad woman. Somehow, tomorrow morning he will surely be ready and packed, breezily putting his bags in the car, while I continue to go mad. How is it always like this?

Anyway, nonetheless, we're happy to be getting on the road. I wanted to blog more and at least write about my exciting trip with Cyndi to Rome last week (two days storming the city and eating plenty of Hard Rock Cafe meals!), but it will have to wait until I return. In the meantime, check out some of my Rome photos on Flickr, and read Cyndi's accounts of our exciting adventure over at her blog.

Also, some happy birthdays to announce (yes, it's still August and still birthday month): Happy early Birthday (August 10th) to my brother Paul and my sister-in-law Carolyn--I hope you celebrate well and have a wonderful day! I miss you both! Also, happy birthday to my aunt Dolly on the 10th as well: we miss you! Happy birthday to my friend Raffaella (of Coltorti shop fame) who celebrated her birthday on the 5th: tanti auguri! Finally, happy birthday to our friend Haley who shares the whole August madness birthday too, and also to Cass--happy early birthday (if we get home in time, I'll post again on the 20th)--miss you tons and am thinking about you a lot!

Okay, lots to do, so I'm signing off for now. na svidenje! (which means "good bye!"--don't ask my to pronounce it, please...)

Superheroes on loan from our friends Luca and Stefania



At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gonna chalk up my little snafu in Slovenia as one of those little things that happen every now and then. I had both passport and permesso soggiorno papers. Maybe she didn't like the tight tanktop that I was wearing. Whatever...look forward to your return. Have a fantastic trip!

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Cynthia Rae said...

This ALWAYS happens to us when we go on a trip, so don't worry it is normal. Somehow I am always the crazy lady while Danilo watches tv, works on the computer and does everything BUT get ready for the trip. In the morning, it is alway HE who waits on me.

Have a great time and look forward to hearing from you when you get back!


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