Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Sugo delle Zie

I'm still playing catch-up with blog posts, typing onto the screen the posts I've been scribbling into a little, well-traveled notebook. Thanks for your patience as I make progress toward real time again! :-)

19 October 2006
My Aunt Gigi and Aunt Betty had a great idea when we talked over the phone last week. "You could post a recipe of the week!" they said. Perfect! A little culinary hug from me and the boot to family and friends near and far.

So, in honor of my two aunts in Penfield, New York, and an "adopted" Zia Rosa in Domodossola, Italia, this first recipe is for Sugo delle Zie, Sauce of the Aunts.

Sugo delle Zie
Sauté a roughly chopped onion in olive oil until it's soft. Add ground pork and a little ground beef and cook the meat slowly. Add tomato pulp. (You might try pureeing and then reducing a can of stewed tomatoes to get the thick, rich, pulpy version sold in bottles in Italia.) Then add a sage leaf, pepper, and a little salt at a time while the whole mixture cooks slowly.

Cook your favorite pasta to al dente and drain well. (Zia Rosa uses smooth (not ribbed) penne.) Just before serving, mount (or finish) the sugo with butter: plop the pat into the sugo and mix it in while the sugo is still in the pot. Immediately toss the hot pasta with the sugo and serve sprinkled with grated parmigiano reggiano.

This is the sauce Zia Rosa served at dinner when my friend Eric and I spent the night with her yesterday in Domodossala. She shared the recipe with us as we were eating a dessert of freshly roasted chestnuts, still warm in their shells.

Rosa is the sister of Antoinetta who owns Napoli Villa, the Beach Grove, Indiana, restaurant where Eric works. He smiled later that evening when he told me how similar are Rosa and Antoinetta. Their mannerisms and sense of warm hospitality - so much the same even though they've been separated by an ocean for more than 30 years.

Here's to the Zie Betty, Gigi, and Rosa - may our sugo always be rich despite any distance or time!

- Corrie


At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds delicious. We will try it very soon. How special to have a sauce named in my honor. Aunt B.

At 12:58 AM, Blogger Corrie said...

what a neat recipe! this new 'recipe a week' theme is definitely number one on my list! (okay, so EVERYTHING is number one on my list, but still...) good job!


At 10:59 AM, Blogger Cynthia Rae said...

Thank you for the wonderful recipe. I did say please.....

Looking forward to trying it out!
Ps. God save the Queen!

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Susan in Italy said...

The sugo sounds great, like a simpler version of a bolognese. Gotta tell my husband, he loves that!

At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

love the recipe of the week idea, bella! I mentioned it to LeeAnne last night and she enthusiastically volunteered to be my guinea pig as I attempt to cook up these delights fact she suggested that we have a standing saturday night date at my house dedicated to cooking and enjoying your recipes - so, I'm looking forward to more throughout the coming year :-) Miss you!



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