Checking It Twice
Well, it's winding down. Somehow I just have 3 weeks left today. Corrie and I are going to try and get some more travel in--next week we want to do some sort of Veneto tour (senza Venice), including the beautiful villas of Andrea Palladio. Right now it's just a dream, but we are planning!As the end of the tour begins, it's getting to be list-making-time (anyone who has traveled extensively with us knows our list-making habits), so over these next days you might see a few lists on our site. I'll start with this one:
Top 10 Cities I Want to Visit MOST In Italia
(but have still not had the chance)
10. Taormina (Sicilia):for the simple fact that it is Sicilia, like Napoli is Napoli.
9. Gallipoli (Puglia):for an old city like an island in the sea, clear-blue water, and for Puglia, which I love.
8. Orvieto (Umbria):for the Duomo, a fortress-like wall, and a ski lift.
7. Torino (Piedmonte):for the back of the two cent coin and some remarkable views of the mountains.
6. Trieste (Friuli Venezia Giulia):for its gateway into other places.
5. Padova (Veneto): for Giotto.
4. Verona (Veneto): for a dream I had to study there, a winding river, and a fairy-tale gone wrong.
3. Matera (Basilicata):for the South and Matera's Sassi district.
2. Mantova (Lombardia):for lakes, Andrea Mantegna, and grand piazzas.
1. Napoli (Campania):for pizza, an underground city, pure (Italian-style) chaos, and the capital of the Mezzogiorno.
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