Friday, April 23, 2004

One More Folded Sunset

This past month has found me busy with plenty of work: everything from afternoons trudging away at the factory to mornings uploading website files in a frantic rush. It's been quite crazy, but this morning, one of the items on my list of things-to-do got checked off. Happily.

The Long Trip Home is officially launched.

As Corrie mentioned yesterday in her blog entry, the site is a literary magazine for travelers, and the new updates include a redesigned front page, a full archives section, and enough photos of Italy to drive you crazy :). Corrie and two other wonderful editors (one being my brother, Paul) have been instrumental in the process of getting this site up, as well: thank you guys!

Anyway, take a moment to browse the site: read something about Greece, something about New Zealand, something about London. And, of course, you'll find something there about Italy, too.



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