Monday, November 19, 2007

Macerata Monday: I Cancelli

Considering all of the times I complain about how autumn and winter are cursed with the sun going down so much sooner, and the sky turning dark when I firmly believe that there should still be a steady stream of sunlight coming through, the fact remains that I actually love walking around Macerata as the sun goes down, seeing the sky take on that unmistakably clear blue that somehow I never really noticed back home in the states. Today, walking down one of my favourite streets--Via Garibaldi--which cuts right through the old town and connects Macerata's walled city center with the traffic-filled outside streets--I had wanted to get some nice shots of the festival lights which have just been put up, but I wasn't too impressed with how the photos turned out. The sun was going down, that blue sky was starting to deepen, and I was worried I wouldn't get any shots at all.

The city gates, or I Cancelli, on the far side of town, one of my favourite little sectons of Macerata.

So finding myself at the end of the road, I saw these city gates before me, and all of the sudden I was thrilled to have my camera with me. All of the years that I've lived here, and even before as a student, these lamps and the intricate wrought-iron gates have appealed to me--the idea of this ancient medieval city centre's entrance opening up onto the main street with an elegant, villa-like entrance, fancy gates framing the long cobblestoned drive up into town--but I've never even taken a single shot. So here is the first of what I hope to be several shots in the future of these city gates, which would be neat to capture during the day as well, but I'm glad to have gotten a photo of the lamplight anyway. Welcome to one of the best parts of town: a place in Macerata that I've somehow always forgotten to chronicle. Enjoy the early evening!


P.S. Speaking of photos--please check out these two links: Macerata's Main Piazza and Bella Brescia, both in a contest called SNAPPED over at Easycar. Vote for me please! I know it's a long shot, but it would be great to win this!


At 6:19 AM, Blogger Rowena said...

That is a gorgeous shot Jackie! Love how the contrast between lamps and evening sky. Ok, now I go to vote!

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Stelle in Italia said...

thanks rowena! it's definitely a beautiful place to be in the evening in macerata. (thanks for voting too!)


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