Monday, January 12, 2004

Sono arrivata!

Well, in response to Corrie's recent post from America, Ferie has been replaced by factory work, and the warm Italian sun is not so warm anymore. Yes, it's winter in Italy. But I made it back safely, setting two jet-lagged feet on the airport carpet in Rome almost two weeks ago: the 31st of December.

The last week and a half have been made up of rather mild adventures: moving into my new apartment (which is in the basement, stuccoed ceiling and all, with two windows that let in very very little light. Where did my dream of a balcony and a panoramic view go?), finding a new local vegetable store (I'm not too excited about the one I found either. They priced a jar of beans 30 cents over its original price, which I found out about by tearing off the price tag of 1.10 to reveal 77 cents beneath it! I am thinking of going back to the store and telling him that I think I lost 33 cents there, and if he has seen it, will he please let me know), visiting 100 nativity scenes and counting (no, Eric, the Piazza in Rome was nowhere to be found), and giving gifts to various family members of Antonello (his sister-in-law is quite confused about what to do with the Welcome Sign I got her).

Some of the more exciting adventures have included a romp in the mountains near Pesaro, a birthday party with 10 little kids in birthday hats, blowing really loud whistles and obnoxiously popping "Buon Compleanno" balloons, and New Year's Day in Rome.

While all of these things seem like a lot, Macerata is moving slowly, and each day wakes me up with a tap rather than a shake. I am moving slowly into my life here, trying to make my every day adventures seem more like routine. I guess this is really trying to live here, instead of being a tourist.

Yesterday, after visiting Loreto, Antonello and I drove a country road to Montecassiano. There was a stretch where, if you looked north, you could see dozens of hill towns on the countryside around. They were everywhere, with their brown tiled roofs and bell towers rising just above the horizon. The sky was blue, the grass green, and the air cold and crisp. It was a good feeling. Italy was all around me.

Quick note: If anyone knows how Maple syrup is made, can you please let me know? Antonello doesn't believe it involves a spigot and a maple tree.



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