Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love is All You Need

Valentine's Day flowers from Antonello

This week, which has gone from dismal and gray to gloriously colorful over here in Italy, has been reminding me gently why it is exactly I chose to make this move to Italy--this crazy decision that I never would have thought I'd make. And there are still moments when I forget what it is I am doing here, why exactly I chose to come to this country. It's not always easy, in fact--sometimes it's downright hard. But it's worth it...I always realize that it's worth it. Yesterday and today have reminded me again of that--a long run through the countryside, good talks with family, spending time with Antonello, gifts from friends. And flowers today, on Valentine's Day. Flowers and a really good lunch.

Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I need it.

I love you, Antonello. Thank you for being the best part of my crazy Italian life.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Lots of love to all of you!

Mom and Dad, I miss you and love you and can't wait to see you soon!



At 8:10 AM, Blogger erin said...

These are beautiful flowers! He did a great job :) This was the type of flower we had at our wedding. One of my favorites.

At 7:46 PM, Blogger Michelle | Bleeding Espresso said...

Such lovely flowers! P surprised me with some mimosa stolen from (the highest branch of) a tree in the piazza...shh...


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