What a busy month for birthdays! Yesterday, the 20th, was my father's: Happy Birthday dad!! With at least four other friends celebrating big birthdays this month, I thought I'd send out these wishes all rolled up into one post! My friends in Emilia Romagna, Cyndi and Danilo, both have their birthdays at the end of the month, my friend Michelle who used to live here in Macerata also just celebrated her birthday. And, my friend Eric is on his way to his 30th birthday--in just a couple of days.Happy Birthday to all of you!
By the way, if you are still wondering about gift ideas for Cyndi and Danilo, Eric, Michelle, and my dad, here are some thoughts:
My dad: dark chocolate! Especially the kind from Marangoni here in Macerata. Hot chocolate is equally good for this time of year.
Cyndi and Danilo: an elevator for A and my apartment (since they've sworn off my house for life due to all of the stairs), a new driver's seat for their car (or more leg room in the back!), warm weather in Brescia, and gift certificates to Hard Rock Cafe!
Eric: a mate for his answering machine, a map of Broad Ripple in Indianapolis (especially marking 62nd and College), an elastic carpet, an afternoon off to organize his pantry, another Lucca tattoo, and a ticket to Italy for April :)!
Michelle: baby books for Serjan in Italian and a week off in summer to come visit Macerata. Plus, gelato :).
Happy Birthday to you guys! Tanti auguri!
Update: Eric broke his leg a couple of days before his birthday, so maybe the elastic carpet ISN'T a good idea :). A good book and a few days off of work instead perhaps? Get well soon, Eric!